This call is for Greek participants only. The call for the Italian participants will be uploaded soon.

  • Step 1

Project Information


Submit for :

Project Name (maximum 200 characters)

Short Name (maximum 50 characters)

Contact Person







Would you briefly describe your entrepreneurial initiative? What are its basic characteristics?


Sectors [You can select more than one answers]

Relevance to the Eligible Areas (Epirus, Ionian Islands, Western Greece) *


How is the project team composed? What are the individual competences? What role will each staff member play in the enterprise?

Full Names of all team members (separate using , )

Phone numbers of all team members (separate using , )

E-mails of all team members (separate using , )

Status of the initiative - Maturity

What is the stage of maturity of your entrepreneurial initiative? What is the level of definition of the technology or the products/services it provides or intends to develop?

What need, does the solution identified by your business idea address? What problem does it solve? To which need does it respond? How urgent is it?

What is the market of reference for your entrepreneurial initiative? Could you segment it appropriately and quantify it? Who are the users and customers?

Which other companies operate in the same market sector, offering similar services/products? Who are the main competitors of your entrepreneurial initiative?

What is the innovative potential of your business project? Which technologies are developed or used? Are there other competitive factors (e.g. customization, service, process simplification, etc.)?

What is the innovation property (patents, copyrights, methods, algorithms) that the team owns? Do you need any licenses from a third party?

What is your business model?

What is your company's revenue stream model? What are the main revenue channels and expected cash flow dynamics?

Which are the main partners and/or suppliers that will help your business initiative to achieve the milestones?

What are the main steps that will be taken by your entrepreneurial initiative? How do you intend to achieve the key milestones?

What are company's financial goals for the first three years of activity?

What are the requests you would make to a donor/business angel/investor/public fund for the first year of activity? How would you use these resources in relation to the achievement of the fundamental milestones?

ID Documents of each team member

Max. size: 2.0 MB

It is possible (but not mandatory) attach a business plan related to the project in free format. (Or any other additional file related to the project)

Max. size: 2.0 MB

You have read and agreed to our terms and conditions (Annex 1)


If you are facing any difficulty submitting the above form, you can send your information directly to

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