Athanasios P. Kalogeras
Professor / Research Director
Dr. Athanasios Kalogeras holds a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece. He has been with the Industrial Systems Institute of the Athena Research and Innovation Center since 2001, where he currently holds the position of Research Director.
His research interests include cyber physical systems and their sub class industrial control systems, industrial internet of things (IIoT), flexible manufacturing systems, collaborative manufacturing, industrial integration and interoperability. Research in the above sectors is applied in diverse application areas including the manufacturing environment, critical infrastructure protection, smart cities, smart buildings, smart energy, smart health, smart applications for tourism / culture.
He has extensive over 25 years of experience in the implementation, management and coordination of European and national funded projects, and has been involved in over 45 projects with roles ranging from member of the project team, to technical manager, to project manager, and project coordinator.
He has over 80 scientific publications in journals, book chapters and conference proceedings, with good international recognition (Google Scholar number of citations 564, h-index 12 as of Feb 2019). He has participated as a member in the program committee of more than 30 conferences and has served as reviewer in several conferences and scientific journals. He is ERCIM News local editor in Greece.
He has collaborated as a research and development engineer with the University of Patras, the Computer Technology Institute and the private sector. He has extensive educational experience as a professor at the Technical Educational Foundation (TEI) of Patras in the period 2001-2015, and in the context of vocational training.
He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the ATHENA Research and Innovation Center (2015-2017), a member of the Scientific Council of the Industrial Systems Institute since 2012, a member of the Governing Committee of Athena RC Researchers Association since 2012, a member of the Board of Directors of the Regional Innovation Pole of Western Greece (2006-2008), and a member of the Audit Committee of the Center of Entrepreneurial and Technological Development of Western Greece (2003-2009).
He has been a postgraduate scholar of the Bodosakis Foundation.
He is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece and a Senior Member of IEEE.