Radmil Polenakovikj
Prof. Dr. Radmil Polenakovikj – is a professor on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Innovation Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, etc. at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. He has published more than 300 bibliographical units. His main activities are in the area of developing Macedonian entrepreneurial and innovation eco-system with focus on entrepreneurial learning.
Polenakovikj is also very active on the policy level where with his collaborators developed National Strategy for Entrepreneurial Learning, National Cluster strategy, Regional Innovation strategies for planning regions, Municipality level strategies for entrepreneurship, etc.
Participated in more than 100 projects (50 projects as a team leader) funded or supported by: EU programs (transnational, cross-border, FP7, Tempus, COSME, Erasmus+, thematic calls, etc.), OECD, World Bank, ETF, ADA, USAID, GTZ, CEI, UNCTAD, SEECEL, UK Embassy, Denmark Embassy, Macedonian ministries and agencies, etc. He is also a project evaluator on number of EU, Balkan and domestic calls in the area of SMEs development, entrepreneurship and innovation. Polenakovikj is leading University Business Start-Up Centre (BSC) since 2006 and National Center for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning (NCDIEL) since 2009 that supported establishment of more than 60 start-ups. He is a member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg, Austria and visiting professor at UNESCO Chair for Entrepreneurship (University of Novi Sad, Serbia).