Technical Geology Lab – University of Patras
Department : Geology
Sector : Soil mechanics, Vrachomichaniki, Inhaled materials
Website: www.geology.upatras.gr
Framework Information : https://geo-sector.geology.upatras.gr/
Offered Services
- Laboratory Testing of Soil Mechanics according to “Laboratory Testing Requirements for Soil Mechanics” (Ε 105-86) Government Gazette 955 / τ.Β ‘/ 31.12.86.
- Laboratory Tests of Rock Mechanics according to “Laboratory Tests of Rock Mechanics” (E 103-84) GG 70 / n.B ‘/ 8.2.85.
- Laboratory tests for inert materials (EN series of specifications)
- On-site Soil Mechanics Testing (Plate Charging and Density Determination) according to “Ground Engineering Test Specifications” (E 106-86) Government Gazette 955 / n.V / 31.12.86
- Special Laboratory Tests not mentioned in Greek Specifications (shear
discontinuous rock, shearing in large scale soil samples etc.) - Εκπόνηση ειδικών μελετών (συμπεριφοράς γεωϋλικών, κατολισθήσεων – ευστάθειας πρανών
Contact Information
Contact Person : Prof. N. Sabatakis
Telephone : 2610-997563
Telephone : 2610-997566
Telephone :2610-997922
Email : sabatak@upatras.gr